{4 minutes to read} Although the words “Lease” and “License” are sometimes used interchangeably, these are separate legal concepts that convey different rights and duties to the recipient.
{4 minutes to read} Although the words “Lease” and “License” are sometimes used interchangeably, these are separate legal concepts that convey different rights and duties to the recipient.
What Does an Attorney Actually Do When She Conducts “Due Diligence?” {3 minutes to read} I believe conducting proper due diligence adds value to any M&A transaction. But picture yourself a young, sleep-deprived associate, staring at a conference room table full of documents to review. Do you know why you’re reading them? Do you know… Continue reading What Does an Attorney Actually Do When She Conducts “Due Diligence?”
Not Every Deal Follows the Norm {3:30 minutes to read} In March 2019, I laid out the basic steps to consider when entering into an M&A transaction. But Not Every Deal Follows the Norm As mentioned in my February 2019 article, every successful attorney should be adaptable. I flexed this muscle at the end of… Continue reading Not Every Deal Follows the Norm