Aimee B. Davis Law P.C.

Deals Seem to Take Longer Than Ever to Close

Deals Seem to Take Longer Than Ever to Close Throughout my 30-year career, I’ve noticed an uptick in how long it takes to close deals. These days it seems to take longer than ever.   I negotiate lots of billboard leases. Unlike commercial leases, billboard leases tend to be much shorter documents and generally contain… Continue reading Deals Seem to Take Longer Than Ever to Close

Do You Give Your Business Judgment With Your Legal Advice?

Do You Give Your Business Judgment With Your Legal Advice? {4 minutes to read}  {3 minutes to read} Several months ago, a Florida real estate attorney said to me, “I don’t substitute my business judgment for legal advice. I’m sure you can understand that.” I’ve thought about that a lot recently, trying to understand why… Continue reading Do You Give Your Business Judgment With Your Legal Advice?

Questions About the Confidentiality of Customer Lists

Cyber security, Data protection, information safety and encryption. internet technology and business concept. Virtual screen with padlock icons.

Questions About the Confidentiality of Customer Lists {3 minutes to read} In order to maintain my license and remain an attorney in good standing in the State of New York, I’m required to attend 24 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) every two years. After 25 years practicing law, it’s become increasingly challenging (and this… Continue reading Questions About the Confidentiality of Customer Lists

Maintaining Your Top Shelf Position

Fresh Coffee pouring into fancy cup on table top

Maintaining Your Top Shelf Position {3 minutes to read} Richard Kestenbaum’s articles on M&A transactions in the fashion and consumer product industries are regularly published online in Forbes. Richard has been doing mergers, acquisitions, and capital-raising for over 35 years. I always read his articles and find his observations fascinating.   I recently had the privilege… Continue reading Maintaining Your Top Shelf Position

Is a Letter of Intent Necessary in an M&A Transaction?

A close up of a 'Letter of Intent'.

Is a Letter of Intent Necessary in an M&A Transaction? {3:42 minutes to read} There’s a debate raging among transactional attorneys about whether entering into a letter of intent (LOI) in advance of negotiating a purchase agreement is a necessary step in the M&A process.   An LOI summarizing the basic terms of a proposed… Continue reading Is a Letter of Intent Necessary in an M&A Transaction?

How to Obtain Financing for Your Business

How to Obtain Financing for Your Business {3:48 minutes to read} Because I’ve represented several clients in the fashion merchandising industry, and have over 20 years of experience negotiating a wide variety of corporate transactions, I recently attended an Accessories Council event about financing sources for fashion and accessory businesses. The presentation was made by… Continue reading How to Obtain Financing for Your Business